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The Depression Grand Challenge is part of a project investigating the effects of CBT using STAND content to improve the effectiveness of depression treatment. The project, a large-scale factorial trial, seeks to measure how changes in STAND content may affect the intervention’s effectiveness for repetitive negative thinking.
The UCLA Depression Grand Challenge STAND for All program has been featured by the Mental Health Coalition as a top resource for college students in its inaugural College Student Mental Health Toolkit. The MHC designed and launched the toolkit for the start of the 2023 school year to equip college students with reliable resources, services and support needed to thrive as they transition into adult life.
In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, UCLA teamed up with Beyoncé’s BeyGOOD to open the STAND for All program to everyone. Through STAND for All, UCLA offers free self-guided online lessons to teach participants cognitive behavioral skills for self-management of low mood and anxiety.