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The Digital Health Measurement Collaborative Community (DATAcc) by the Digital Medicine Society (DiMe), in which Depression Grand Challenge team members participated, released a report on Feb. 4, 2025, detailing evidence-based, actionable recommendations to drive interest, investment, and direction for sensor-based digital health technology research and innovation.

The Perspective, “Advancing digital sensing in mental health research,” draws on insights, findings and related reports generated from the 2023 Workshop on Advancing Digital Sensing Tools for Mental Health, hosted by UCLA and sponsored by Wellcome, the National Institute of Mental Health and the DGC.
UCLA Depression Grand Challenge logo
The UCLA Depression Grand Challenge collaborated with a consortium led by The Digital Health Measurement Collaborative Community (DATAcc) by the Digital Medicine Society (DiMe) to submit a proposal to Wellcome, a global charitable organization that funds discovery research, for the opportunity to conduct scoping research to assess how digital sensing technologies may be leveraged to detect and treat mental health conditions.
Leading mental health and computer science researchers, industry experts, advocates and funders who participated in the Digital Sensing Workshop held at UCLA in the winter of 2023 are seeking additional review and input from colleagues and other stakeholders for a shared vision, common standards and recommendations they created to facilitate the use of digital sensing technologies in mental health research.