STAND Coaching is a component of the STAND system of care. The system of care leverages an online screening tool to triage participants according to their symptoms of anxiety, depression and suicidality. Those individuals triaged to the digital mental health program tier are paired with UCLA-trained and certified STAND coaches.
The STAND system of care supports coaching, because research has shown that when digital mental health programs are supported with coaching, participant success and engagement increases. It is for this reason that the STAND system of care incorporates STAND certified coaches to help participants review and practice the skills and strategies learned in the digital program.
How Coaching WorksParticipants are expected to review a lesson on their own and thereafter meet with a certified coach to review and practice that week’s skills. Coaching sessions are 20-30 minute meetings held 1:1 over Zoom. Depending on the set of lessons, participants are able to schedule between six and eight sessions with a coach. They may meet with a different coach each week. All coaching activity is supervised via a tiered supervision model, overseen by licensed clinicians.
STAND Coaches & Their TrainingSTAND coaches are undergraduate, graduate and community members who have received extensive training to help participants learn practical skills for self-management of low mood and anxiety.
Coaches are trained through a cohort model over 15 weeks to develop (1) supportive communication skills, (2) a deep understanding of STAND principles, skills and tools, and (3) documentation skills. This training is provided by certified peers, graduate students and licensed clinicians.
A 5-10 hour weekly commitment for coaches in training is expected; time is spent in group sessions, role-plays and independent study. Coaches must demonstrate ongoing learning and eventually skills competency through quizzes and mock demonstrations of skills in order to become certified.
Develop and disseminate a program that trains laypeople to be competent in supporting STAND participants in learning and applying cognitive behavioral strategies.
More than 750 trainees to date

Michelle Craske, PhD
Gayane Grigoryan, LCSW
Gifts & grant funding