Aug. 4, 2020 marks an important milestone for the UCLA Depression Grand Challenge: the beginning of a pilot research project in collaboration with Apple, called the Digital Mental Health Study. The study seeks to develop more objective measures for detecting depression and anxiety, an integral part of the Depression Grand Challenge goals. Methods for detecting depression have remained virtually unchanged for approximately 100 years. UCLA is honored to help shape the foundational tools for diagnosis and for the promise that such tools might eventually enable us to link discovery research and treatment.
Read more at UCLA Newsroom and read about the announcement in our DGC newsletter.
Additional coverage:
Apple and UCLA kick off a three-year depression study – CNBC, Aug. 4, 2020
UCLA launches innovative mental health study with Apple – UCLA, Aug. 4, 2020
Apple sponsors a three-year UCLA study on depression and anxiety – Engadget, Aug. 5, 2020
Researchers Will Use Apple Gadgets in Study to Detect and Treat Depression – Brinkwire, Aug. 11, 2020