Cleveland Cavaliers basketball player Kevin Love and former UCLA standout joined Michelle Craske, psychology and psychiatry professor and co-director of the Depression Grand Challenge, Aug. 19, 2019 for "Minds Matter: Raising the Curtain on Depression and Anxiety" the first in the ongoing Minds Matter event series hosted by UCLA Psychology and the Geffen Playhouse about issues affecting the brain.
They spoke to a full crowd during the hour-long event and discussed anxiety and depression, public stigma and the DGC. During their chat, Love shared thoughts on mental health in athletics and stressed that the issue affects everyone: “The more we can normalize the conversation around mental health, the more we can do to help those that are struggling."
Read more about their discussion at UCLA College News. Listen to their full conversation on the Geffen Playhouse Unscripted podcast.
Minds Matter is part of a larger series hosted by UCLA Psychology and the Geffen Playhouse to step inside the minds of UCLA Psychology faculty and guest panelists as they raise the curtain on the amazing human brain. The Minds Matter series is generously supported by Loretta and Victor Kaufman.