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Research Study: New Moms Mood Tracking & Wellbeing Study


The New Moms Mood Tracking & Wellbeing study investigated potential risk factors affecting mood changes related to pregnancy and treatments for depressive and anxiety symptoms among expectant women and new moms.

Participants were individuals recruited from UCLA OBGYN clinics who were between week 28 of their pregnancy and six months postpartum. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: Perinatal Psychiatric Care or Screening or the STAND system of care.

Primary Goal

The purpose of this study was to identify baseline predictors of mood changes and treatment response in order to establish the effectiveness and feasibility of the two treatment conditions. Findings from this study may enable us to develop and implement better ways of tracking symptom changes over time, of monitoring treatment response, and of providing personalized care.

Anticipated Duration

The study launched in April 2021, participant recruitment concluded November 2023, and data collection concluded March 25, 2024. Research participants were in the study for approximately 6 months. 

Number of Participants

Approx. 170

Analysis Phase
Team Leaders

Michelle Craske, PhD

Misty Richards, MD, MS

Nelson Freimer, MD

Funding Source
