UCLA created the Depression Grand Challenge to cut the global burden of depression on human health and wellbeing in half by 2050.
We envision a future where depression isn’t a lifelong struggle. Where everyone living with depression has access to proven and effective treatments and is able to fully engage in life, contributing to their families, workplaces and communities. Especially, where no one's life is cut short by suicide.
We have mapped an overarching research plan to uncover the causes and courses of depression, reveal the biological processes that underlie depression, and develop effective, targeted treatments — an ambitious endeavor that depends upon and is advanced through strategic partnership and collaboration. Our work continues beyond the traditional university research setting with a focus on disseminating knowledge, best practices and effective treatments to communities in need.
Areas of Focus

We are focused on discovering depression's causes and biology to develop targeted treatments.

We strive to make research-backed, gold standard treatment broadly available.
The Greatest Health Challenge of Our Time
With 1 in 5 people receiving a diagnosis in their lifetime, depression takes a considerable toll on all of us.

Widespread, affecting more than 300 million people each year worldwide

Leading cause of disability and suicidality

Single largest contributor to global burden of disease by 2030